I'm我 叫
Eureka Chen忧 乐 客

I'm From The Lagest Eastern Harbor居住在洋洋东方大港港畔
eureka@ee-studio.com (WebId)

An indie, older programmer who lives healthy in the decentralized web world with freedom, solitary travels on both extremists of traditional culture and open source technologies.一个健康生活自由去中心化网络世界里的独立大龄程序员独自游走传统文化开源技术两端

This awkward sentence gives a complete picture of my profile. Below I have a detailed explanation of each word in this sentence. 上面这句拗口的话较为完整的介绍了我的情况,下文有我对这句话里各单词的详细解释。

Explanation解 释

Healthy健 康

It is said that health is the foundation of all things, but "to say it, to do it." I have always ignored health, and always bury my head in front of a computer, completely disregarding my own body. Only when suffers from serious illness and wonder why does not always value my physical health. Therefore, I am hard-boiled to put this word here. Anyway, it is a wish or a reminder. Let "Healthy" always stimulate me to promote the body, mind, and health of the environment.


Live生 活

It seems that I am a strange being. I live alone in an illusory world and can't integrate into the real world. I dont like housework, nor immersed in poetic life, more to put myself in the online world, not away from mobile phones and computers. I hope to get out of the online world and more in the real world.


Freedom自 由

"Life is dear, love is dearer. Both can be given up for freedom." poet by Petofi Sandor. The freedom is the pursuit of most people, but freedom is not to do whatever you want. In my opinion, Freedom is the existence of such an environment: If I want to do something, I know that I can do it without restraint, but I will not necessarily do it.


Decentralization去 中 心 化

This world is constructed by the centralization of large and small silo. Large to the country, the enterprise, small to family and small organizations. The emergence of the Internet should have been decentralized, but the result has been many giant silos, and even build great wall to isolating them. The emergence of the blockchain has brought decentralized digital currency, and at the same time it has made more decentralization possible. From decentralized social web to decentralized storage, it is all my focus.


Older大 龄

The fact that I'm not young. Say that when we are older, our mind is not flexible enough and can no longer program, but I do not believe this evil. I know that my memory is getting worse, and my actions are not as agile as when I was young, but I have more experience and long-term accumulated skills. In addition, in order to deal with memory problems, I have using some note app to extend my brain.


Web网 络

The Internet is like water and air, but the difference is that water and air are not created by people, and the Internet is different. So I often thank the Internet and thank Tim and other pioneers for giving me knowledge, social and economic freedom. In knowledge, many of the lessons learned from schools have been returned to teachers, and the technical knowledge in books is often out of date. In social, the Internet has brought more extensive, especially cross-border human relations. in economic, for the first time, decentralized digital currency carried on the web gives people freedom to control the currency.


World世 界

Regarding the understanding of the world, whether it is obtained from others or created by oneself, everyone has their own values and world viewk. My values are summarized as one sentence: “Value is the process in which things satisfy individual survival. The intrinsic nature embodied in the demand." A word of mouthful, for details, see my explanation about value in Eureka Blog and Value item in Eureka Wiki. This sentence includes my understanding of the world.


Indie独 立

The first is the independence of thought, although I am in a characteristic country and serve my employer. But my mind is not attached to my employer, nor does it belong to any country or region. In addition, it is an independent expression of thought. Thanks to the Internet, I can express my thought independently. I follow the indieweb's principle to establish my own website with my own domain, although there are Weibo, Wechat and Google, Facebook, Twitter account , but those places are only my syndicated data, and my data is ultimately my own control.


Programer程 序 员

In education, I was a double undergraduate of "Electrical Engineering" and "Finance". Later, I obtained the master's degree "Software Engineering" from Zhejiang University and obtained the "System Analyst" qualification from the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. However, these academic education and national examinations are far less than what I learned online, so I prefer to call myself an ordinary full-stack "Programmer." Given the enthusiasm of technology, I think I'm a geek too.


Solitary独 自

If you are programming like me and you are alone on the Internet looking for solutions to solve issues, then you may feel lonely like me: when there is a issue, no one can ask for it. After the issue is solved, no one can share happiness. Nobody around me can understand related technical terms. In addition, I tend to be introverted. After marriage, rarely associate with friends. Friends only meet in the heart. In reality, I'm a solitary.


Travel游 走(旅 游)

Although I stay at home or office all day, I actually like to travel, like to walk outside, and do not love to take the same road. Although I am now living in one line between home and office, the environment does not seem to allow me to go north and south. But "the world is so big, I want to go and see it." If possible, I may break the shackles of the environment and look into the distance.


Traditional Culture传 统 文 化

I likes to read the traditional Chinese studies such as the《I Ching》 and the 《Tao Te Ching》. I also pays attention to Buddhist culture and the theory of Chinese medicine. I has written a lot of applications in PHP, including 八字、大六壬,奇门遁甲,梅花易数,紫薇斗数 etc. I will sort out some images related to traditional culture and make them open source SVG, let them become a standard. The profound Chinese traditional culture will be worth my lifelong learning.


Open Source开 源

Open source means more openness, freedom, and safety. On the one hand, open source is an important consideration for my choice of software. I make use of other people's open source projects to build my own projects. On the other hand, I will also open source my software projects and contribute back to the community. I don't want to make projects that are too commercial. If it is not for life, I will not program for money. Mr $ Microsoft, also loves open source,what other reason do I not love open source!


Technology技 术

Technology promotes the progress of mankind. Mastering technologies and skills is also my survival. It is also because of the understanding of technology and freedom. Therefore, I have been deeply attracted when I first heard about Bitcoin, which brings me luck. The skills I mastered are mainly software development technologies (hold'em poker are actually develop skill for me), and cover all stacks of front-end and back-end. I'm like a man's DevOps.


Extremist两 端(极端)

I am a person who thought extremely extreme. To sum up in other people's words, I'm a person who "split hairs", especially split the ideological hairs, and my mind are crumbled. There is hardly anyone who can understand me. At the same time, in pursuit of technology, I pursue simplicity to the extreme, write code clean to the extreme, to do the web simple to the extreme. In keep with the characteristics,refactoring can be refactored and remove everything that don't needed.


My Project 部 分 项 目

AO Classic BlackJackAO 经典21点小游戏

This is a fully decentralized casino mini game developed based on Arweave AO, with rules based on the classic blackjack game. 这是基于Arweave AO开发的完全去中心化的娱乐场小游戏,规则基于最经典娱乐场21点游戏。


a collection nft art of Eureka 这里有各种由计算机生成技术制作出来的艺术作品,终将以NFT或AO原子资产的形式展现。

This includes SVG production of graphics in traditional culture, 3D graphics based on BabylonJS, and art works based on fractal technology and AI.


OVR ArwardsOVR 增强现实获奖作品

The award-winning works produced by myself include: 由本人的制作的获奖作品有:


a memo utility based on IPFS and Arweave基于IPFS和Arweave的一个备记应用

By storing the content in IPFS and Arweave, generating a custom URL that is easy to remember, so the stored content can be permanently remembered and retrieved anywhere anytime.


Eva Eureka小优

My girl, a bot that can help me一个基于微软Bot框架开发的,能帮我干活的机器人

The Bot developed based on Microsoft's Bot framework, can access by QQ through DirectLine, Cool Q, and Flexlive Plugin, you can add her QQ to chat with her. Of course, you can chat with her via Skype, Telegram, and other channels by Microsoft. She owns all Turing Bot skill, her know heritage of my family (developed based on Nodejs and Express), and can report Beilun local weather for me,help me manage digital currency portfolios and report market price to me in real time. Eva is based on Asp.net Core and runs cross-platform under Ubuntu Linux.

基于微软Bot框架开发的机器人,已经通过DirectLine和酷Q以及Flexlive接入QQ,所以可以加她QQ跟她聊天,当然也可以通过Skype,Telegram等固有频道可她聊天,她除了拥有图灵机器的全部技能外,还能分清自家的亲戚关系(基于Nodejs和Express开发),并能为我报告北仑当地气象(来自北仑气象局而不是其它Api数据),能帮我管理数字货币资产并实时报告我所关心的数字货币价格。小优基于Asp.net Core开发,并跨平台运行在Ubuntu Linux之下。


A smart lock management system. 该平台为私租房、公租房、公寓、民宿等各种形式的房屋提供整体的智能锁解决方案,通过租赁智能锁的方式降低使用智能锁的门槛;通过强大后端整合了房东、租客、物业以及公共安全部门,为参与者提供最大便利。该平台开发已经初步完成,非常欢迎各界人士参与合作。
Not continued注:该项目现暂不能访问

CE Manage Systems for Polytechnic继续教育培训管理系统

This Web application was developed for Polytechnic 这是为继续教育学院开发的Web应用

Doku Wiki企业(个人)知识库

Build a knowledge base that belongs to the company (individual)构建一个属于企业(个人)自己的知识库

Based on the Doku Wiki, it is easy to use, does not require a database, can run under any operating system, or it can be placed directly on the Internet, and can even be carried on a USB flash drive. This is the first choice for building a personal or corporate knowledge base, giving you absolute control over knowledge.

基于Doku Wiki,使用简单,无需数据库,可以运行在任何操作系统之下,也可以直接放在互联网上,甚至可以使用U盘随身携带。这是构建个人或企业知识库的首选,让您拥有对知识的绝对控制权。

Eureka Time Clock易易时间钟

Windows Store从Windows应用商店获取
A clock that can bring you luck and health 一个能给您带来幸运和健康的钟

Eureka Time Clock has functions such as timekeeping, stopwatch, analog time clock, and digital time clock. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, supplemented by the Zodiac figures and colors, important time information can be obtained at a glance. This was applied in the WOWZAPP 2012:Worldwide Hackathon, and was recommended by Microsoft for excellent applications. The Windows Phone version was developed later.

该时间钟具有计时、秒表、模拟时间钟、数字时间钟等功能,根据中医子午流注以及相关易学理论辅以生肖图形和缤纷色彩,一瞥就能获取重要时间段信息。该应用于2012年11月参加微软全球编程马拉松比赛,并获得微软优秀应用推荐,同时开发了Windows phone版本的易易时间钟。

Eureka Hold'em Training Game易易德州扑克训练游戏

Get From Windows Store从Windows商店获取
A training game that will improve your Hold'em Poker level 一个能提高您德州扑克水平的训练游戏,使用WPF和C#开发

Eureka Lottery随机抽奖系统

Random Lottery App can also be used as classroom random names,developed by typescript and react 基于React和Typescript开发的随机抽奖应用,也可以作为课堂随机点名使用

Colorful I Ching彩色易经

Coloring slides to learn the entire "I ching" 一张彩图了解整本《易经》,基于Impress.js开发

Fortune Telling Platform易测平台(算命)

Fortunetelling from traditional Chinese culture 集各种易学预测(算命)算法

You need to understand more Traditional Chinese Culture to understand these applications: 四柱八字大六壬奇门遁甲梅花易数六爻纳甲紫微斗数


Note:Not Continued注:网站迁移后暂不能访问

Commonmark Chinese SiteCommonmark中文网站

Markdown's Standard in Chinese Markdown的标准化网站

UNIE and EChain统一价值尺度

UNIE: 易值: https://unie.xyz
EChain易链: https://echain.top
Using the consensus mechanism to establish a unified value scale, its measurement is "UNIE", and through the EOS blockchain, the tokens "CNE" and "USE" are issued. And establish a data circulation record website "EChain" to record the value flow in the ee studio, the work is a conceptual work 利用共识机制建立统一价值尺度其衡量物为“易值”,并通过EOS区块链平台发行针对特定区域的代币(通证)“中易值”和“美易值”。并建立“中易值”和“美易值”数据流转记录网站“易链” 记录易值在易易工作室这边的流动情况。该作品为概念性作品。

Eureka Web Tools And Docs一些应用和文档

应用 文档
进入eeweb.top查看更多的实用网络工具和相关文档 Please visit https://eeweb.top for more web tools from Eureka Chen

Actually, for me, the most time-consuming and the most massive project is the PokerGuru project. The project was written in 2006 and reduced the development frequency after I learned the blockchain tech in 2013. gave it up in 2015, so spent a total of 9 years. The project base on Microsoft Prism, uses WPM, MEF, OCR and various Hook technologies. It contains a large number of algorithms and components for real-time connection to various poker room table, like Pokerstars, Fulltilt (acquired by PS), Playtech (Ipoker) series, Microgaming series. It can acquire data from PokerTracker4 for analysis, the project ensure that I get a very high ROI when playing cards. I will contribute these components to the world when I have time, but some of the code may be outdated.

Later, at the end of 2013, at the request of Bitcointalk forum users, I wrote a digital currency trading platform and now opened the source code on my GitHub.

